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All round development, of an individual and the society, is the core philosophy of SARD and Health and following it’s philosophy, SARD covers two main components Health and WASH with special focus on women, adolescent girls and children.

Health covers the following areas –Routine Immunization, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Nutrition awareness, Malnutrition, HIV/AIDs/STI awareness, Eye and Dental camps etc.WASH covers the following components – Sanitation and Hygiene, Safe Drinking water, Behavior change.

SARD Health initiatives involves variety of activities and stand-alone events. The interventions caters to the whole spectrum of the social fabric consisting children, women, youth and others. This stems from the belief that a healthy life maximizes participation in other development activities aimed socio-economic empowerment of the communities and complements in optimizing available opportunities to lead a quality life with contentment. The major health interventions includes the following which focus the social fabric spectrum holistically,

Reproductive Child Health
Oral Polio Vaccination Programme
HIV and AIDS programme

The approaches are same as in pursuing Education portfolio, where Government efforts are complemented with an extended sustained outreach, ensuring better health seeking behavior through awareness and extended outreach on a regular periodicity by reaching them out through special camps, home visits and enhanced service delivery facilities.